Music education – teacher training

The music education programmes are conducted in cooperation with the University of Leipzig, where the educational sciences and respectively the second teaching subject and specific educational content is studied.

The study of music education is carried out at the Department of Music pedagogy.

Two subject studies

The classic form of music education is the so-called two subject studies. Hereby, two teaching subjects (e.g. music education and math) and educational science are studied, with teaching-specific features in primary school teaching and special Education. Regarding the possible combinations of the two subjects special standards are to be observed.

state examination (Staatsexamen)

Since the winter semester 2012/13, the music education teacher training programme in Saxony is a state examination. The passing is a prerequisite for admission to the teaching practice (student teacher) and the later work as a teacher in public schools. Separate programmes are offered for primary schools, secondary schools, for special education as well as high school.
The programmes are accredited by the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency Hannover (Zentrale Evaluations- und Akkreditierungsagentur Hannover; ZEvA). They thus offer equivalent access to teacher traineeship.

Double-subject programme music education

A special form of teacher training is the so-called double-subject programme music education. Here, instead of the second university subject, the subject music is deepened artistic. Thus, besides the music education examination, the student also achieves the Bachelor of Music as a artistic certificate at the same time.
At the HMT double-subject programme music education can be studied at high schools level exclusively. For this, a six semester bachelor‘s (Bachelor of Education) and a 4 semester master's programme (degree: Master of Education) is due. Currently, the following combinations are possible:

  • double-subject programme music education - church music
  • double-subject programme music education - piano.


Das Erweiterungsstudium für das Lehramt setzt eine erfolgreich abgelegte 1. Staatsprüfung für das entsprechende Lehramt  bzw. die Ausübung des Lehramtes voraus. Es besteht die Möglichkeit das Erweiterungsstudium im Fach Musik auch parallel zu einem andauernden Lehramtsstudium zu wählen.


Die HMT empfiehlt ein Parallelstudium zum Zweifachstudium grundsätzlich nicht. Die Anforderungen an ein Studium im Erweiterungsfach Musik sind immens hoch: neben Klavier, Gesang und einem weiteren Instrument sind u.a. schulpraktisches Klavierspiel, Chor- und Ensembleleitung, musiktheoretische, musikpädagogische und -didaktische Fächer Gegenstand der Ausbildung, die neben der reinen Unterrichtspräsenz und deren Vorbereitung ein sehr hohes Maß an zusätzlichen Übe-Stunden erfordern, die parallel zu zwei weiteren Lehramtsfächern und den Bildungswissenschaften schwierig zu meistern sind.