IX. European Organ Academy Leipzig, 26 July – 10 August 2025
Class Martin Schmeding 2019
Phase A – Sat, 26 July – Tue, 29 July 2025
Class 1: Pier-Damiano Peretti (Vienna)
‘Italian’ Bach – Muffat – Schönberg – Radulescu
PLEASE NOTE: class booked up for active participation, waiting list opened
- Georg Muffat: The 12 Toccatas from the Apparatus Musico-Organisticus
- S. Bach, the three Vivaldi arrangements (BWV 563, 594, 596) as well as Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major BWV 564
- Arnold Schönberg: Variations on a Recitative op. 40
- Michael Radulescu: Seven chorales for the Passion, Ricercari, Epiphaniai
Sat, 26 July, 18:30-21:30, HMT, Chamber Music Hall, Collon organ and Great Hall, Eule organ
Sun, 27 July, 15:00-17:00, Thomaskirche, Sauer organ
Mon, 28 July, 13:00-16:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall, Collon organ and Great Hall, Eule organ
Tue, 29 July, 9:00-13:00, Rötha, St. Marien and St. Georgen, Silbermann organs, St. Marien / St. Georgen
- Lecture: Sun, 27 July, 10:00-11:00 HMT, Great Hall: „Arnold Schönbergs Variations on a Recitative op. 40: Wege zur Neuausgabe und Gedanken zur Interpretation“
- Concert: Sat, 26 July 2025, 15:00, Thomaskirche Leipzig
Class 2: Ben van Oosten (The Hague)
French symphonic repertoire: Franck – Widor – Vierne – Dupré
PLEASE NOTE: class booked up for active participation, waiting list opened
- works by Franck, widor, Vierne, Dupré of free choice
Sun, 27 July, 11:30-14:30, HMT, Great Hall, Eule organ
Sun, 27 July, 19:30-21:30, Thomaskirche, Sauer organ
Mon, 28 July, 9:00-12:00, Neue Propsteikirche St. Trinitatis Leipzig, Vleugels organ / specification
Tue, 29 July, 14:00-18:00, Chemnitz, Schlosskirche, Vleugels organ
- Panel discussion: Sat, 26 July, 17:00, HMT, Great Hall: Aspekte der Aufführungspraxis der französisch-symphonischen Orgelmusik u. a.
- Concert: Mon, 28 July, 17:00, Nikolaikirche Leipzig
Participants' concert I: Tue, 29 July 2025, 20:00, Neue Propsteikirche St. Trinitatis Leipzig
Phase B: Wed, 30 July – Sat, 2 Aug 2025
Class 3: Martin Schmeding (Leipzig)
Johann Sebastian Bach: Organ works of the early and Weimar creative period
PLEASE NOTE: class booked up for active participation, waiting list closed
Wed, 30 July, 13:00-16:00, Naumburg, St. Wenzel, Hildebrandt organ
Thu, 31 July, 15:00-19:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall, Collon Organ
Fri, 1 Aug, 14:00-17:00, Naumburg, St. Wenzel, Hildebrandt organ
Sat, 2 Aug, 17:00-19:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall, Collon Organ
- Concert: Thu, 31 July, 19:30, HMT, Chamber Music Hall
- Lecture: Wed, 30 July, 10:00-11:00 HMT, Chamber Music Hall: „Johann Sebastian Bach und seine Wurzeln - Wege zum jungen Bach und seinem Werk“
Class 4: Isabelle Demers (Montreal)
French and German Repertoire 18th/19th/Early 20th Century
PLEASE NOTE: class booked up for active participation, waiting list opened
- French and German romantics (Franck, Widor, Vierne, Reger, etc.) (Nikolaikirche)
- Bach und Mendelssohn (Naumburg)
- Early 20th century French and German (Duruflé, Reger, etc.) (Neue Propsteikirche)
- German romantics (HMT)
Wed, 30 July, 18:00-22:00, Nikolaikirche Leipzig, Ladegast organ
Thu, 31 July, 9:30-13:30, Naumburg, St. Wenzel, Hildebrandt organ
Fri, 1 Aug, 9:30-12:00, Neue Propsteikirche St. Trinitatis Leipzig, Vleugels organ / specification
Sat, 2 Aug, 13:00-14:30, HMT, Great Hall, Eule organ
- Concert: Fri, 1 Aug, 19:30, Naumburg, St. Wenzel
- Lecture: Sat, 2 Aug, 10:00 HMT, Great Hall: ‘Charles-Valentin Alkan and music written for pedal-piano’
Participants' Concert II: Sat, 2 Aug, 11:30, HMT, Chamber Music Hall and Great Hall
Phase C: Sun, 3 August – Wed, 6 August 2025
Class 5: Daniel Moult (Birmingham)
Johann Sebastian Bach and English organ repertoire
PLEASE NOTE: class booked up for active participation, waiting list opened
- S. Bach – free choice
- English repertoire (c. 1560 - c. 1940) – works by Byrd, Gibbons, Purcell, Stanley, S. Wesley, S. S. Wesley, Elgar, Whitlock (or any similar choices)
Sun, 3 Aug, 14:00-17:00, Thomaskirche, Sauer organ, Bach organ
Mon, 4 Aug, 10:00-15:00, Rötha, St. Marien / St. Georgen
Tue, 5 Aug, 09:00-13:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall, Collon organ and Great Hall, Eule organ
- Concert: Wed, 6 Aug, 20:00, Dresden Cathedral
- Lecture: Sun, 3 Aug, 10:00 HMT, Great Hall: English Enigmas! (What to ask when performing Byrd fantasias, Purcell voluntaries, and Elgar's sonata)
Class 6: Nathan Laube (Rochester)
German Symphonic Repertoire and Transcriptions
PLEASE NOTE: class booked up for active participation, waiting list opened
Sun, 3 Aug, 19:30-21:30, Thomaskirche, Sauer organ
Mon, 4 Aug, 18:00-22:00, Nikolaikirche Leipzig, Ladegast organ
Tue, 5 Aug, 14:00-18:00, HMT, Great Hall, Eule organ
Wed, 6 Aug, 15:00-17:00, Dresden, Christuskirche, Jehmlich organ
- Concert: Sat, 2 Aug 2025, 15:00, Thomaskirche Leipzig
- Lecture: Sun, 3 Aug, 11:30, HMT, Great Hall
- Lunch music: Wed, 6 Aug 2025, 12:00, Michaeliskirche Leipzig, participants of the organ academy
Participants' concert III: Tue, 5 Aug 2025, 20:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall and Great Hall
Phase D: Thu, 7 Aug – Sun, 10 Aug 2025
Class 7: Jean-Baptiste Robin (Versailles)
French Baroque and Alain
- free choice from the complete works of Couperin, Marchand, Grigny and Alain
Thursday, 7 Aug, 10:00-14:00, Naumburg, St. Wenzel, Hildebrandt organ
Fri, 8 Aug, 9:00-12:00, Neue Propsteikirche St. Trinitatis Leipzig, Vleugels organ / specification
Sat, 9 Aug, 9:00-14:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall, Collon Organ and Great Hall, Eule organ
- Concert: Fri, 8 Aug, 19:30, Naumburg, St. Wenzel
- Lecture: Sun, 10 Aug, 11:30, HMT, Great Hall, “Jean-Baptiste Robin: Music with and for organ”
Workshop 1: Thomas Lennartz (Leipzig)
Wed, 6 Aug, 9:00-12:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall, Collon Organ and Great Hall, Eule organ
- Concert: Thu, 7 Aug 2025, 19:30, Nikolaikirche Leipzig
Class 8: Maurizio Croci (Mailand)
Italian Repertoire (16th/17th Centuries) and German Repertoire before Bach
- Marcantonio Cavazzoni: Recercada (Ms. Castell’Arquato) Salve Virgo
- Girolamo Cavazzoni: Christe Redemptor omnium, Ave Maris Stella, Recercar Terzo, Canzon sopra I le bel e bon
- Andrea Gabrieli: Ricercari ariosi I-IV, Canzon arioSa., Canzon Qui la dira, Fantasia allegra; Toccata del IX tono, Passemezzo, Canzon Martin menoit, Ricercare Martin menoit, Ricercare del I tono
- Giovanni De Macque: Capriccio sopra Re, Fa, Mi, Sol, Consonanze Stravaganti
- Girolamo Frescobaldi: Toccata III; XI, XII (Primo libro di Toccate, 1627); Toccate I, II, IV, V, VI, Canzon III, IV, Aria detta Balletto, Aria detta la Frescobalda (Secondo libro di Toccate, 1637);
- Capriccio sopra La, sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Ut; Capriccio sopra la Bassa Fiamenga, Capriccio sopra l’Aria di Ruggero (Primo libro di Capricci, 1626); Fiori Musicali (1635)
- Bernardo Storace: Toccata e Canzon (I), Recercar, Passacagli in A la mi re, Ciacona (Selva di varie composizioni, 1664)
- Heinrich Scheidemann: Pavana Lachrymae, Galliarda ex D,Ballet in F, Magnificat VIII Toni (Choral Fantasia)
- Samuel Scheidt: Toccata super In te Domine Speravi
- Dietrich Buxtehude: Praeludia BuxWV 163, 137, 139, 149; Toccata in d, BuxWV 155; Ciacona in c, BuxWV 159; Passacaglia, BuxWV 161; Te Deum laudamus, BuxWV 218
- Georg Böhm: Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, Aus tiefer Not Schrei ich zu dir, Vater unser im Himmelreich; Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, Praeludium ex Gb
- Nikolaus Bruhns: Praeludia, Fantasia Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
- Other pieces may be presented with prior notification to the teacher.
Thu, 7 Aug, 15:30-19:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall, Collon Organ
Fri, 8 Aug, 12:30-17:30, Paulinum, Jehmlich organ
Sat, 9 Aug, 15:00-17:00, Rötha, St. Marien and St. Georgen, Silbermann organs, St. Marien / St. Georgen
Sun, 10 Aug, 14:30-16:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall, Collon Organ
- Concert: Sat, 9 Aug, 18:00, Rötha, St. Marien and St. Georgen
- Lecture: Sun, 10 Aug, 10:00, HMT, Great Hall, ‘G. F. Kauffmann's Harmonische Seelenlust: a new edition and a reference and interpretation guide for the organ music of J. S. Bach's Leipzig period’
Participants' concert IV: Sun, 10 Aug, 13:00, HMT, Chamber Music Hall and Great Hall
Workshop 2: Nicolas Berndt (Naumburg)
Sun, 10 Aug, 17:30-21:30, Naumburg, St. Wenzel, Hildebrandt organ