Cancellation of exams

valid for all study programmes and external examinations

Up to four weeks before the beginning of each examination period (until January, 7th 2024) students can deregister from their exam by written notice to the examination office. After this period, an exam is considered  "fail" (5). If the candidate does not appear for the examination without a good reason or if he/she resigns from the test after the beginning of the exam without permission .
The contact person of the examination office must be informed in written form without delay about the reason for withdrawal or absence. The reason must be shown credibly. As far as the examination committee has already begun its work, the notice is made to the committee and included in the examination protocol. In case of the student's illness, a medical certificate is required and in cases of doubt, an official medical certificate may be due. If the reasons are accepted, a new appointment for the examination will be set. The existing examination results will be considered.

Resit of examinations

valid for all study programmes and external examinations

  • A failed test may be repeated twice at the request of the student. Failed attempts at other universities will be considered.
  • Passed exams cannot be repeated, exceptions are free trials (i.e. exams, which were taken before the semester under terms of the recommended study schedule or with elective modules, before the last recommended semester in the study regulations).
  • The student must take the first resit of a failed examinationwithin one year after completion of the examination attempt at the latest. The second repetition is to be completed by the student at the earliest possible date. Otherwise, the resit examinations results will be considered "fail" (5).

Recognition of study and
examination achievements

The regulations for the recognition of study and examination achievements can be found in the examination regulations of the degree programmes.

Please use the application form and submit it to the Examinations Office together with the evidence of your achievements.

Disadvantage compensation (NTA)

for students with impairments

The examination regulations of the HMT regulate the possibilities of a disadvantage compensation (NTA) for students with impairments:

All principles and a sample catalogue of measures to compensate for disadvantages can be found in the NTA flyer in the info column on the right.


Make an application for NTA:

1) Use counselling services on NTA:

2) Application process:

... submit the application for NTA by means of a form (see right column downloads disadvantage compensation (NTA)).
3) Processing and approval/partial approval or rejection of the application by the responsible dean:
Faculty I   (Brass/Percussion, Jazz/Popular Music, Piano/Conducting, Strings/Harp)
Prof. Matthias Foremny
Faculty II (Early Music, Voice/Music Theatre, Drama) Anne-Kathrin Gummich
Faculty III (Dramaturgy, Inst. for Music Pedagogy, Inst. for Musicology, Church music; Composition and Harmony/Counterpoint)
                  Constanze Rora
4) Implementation of the NTA: Information from the examinations office to the examiners as to which NTA has been granted and how it is to be implemented.

External examinations

Anyone who has acquired relevant knowledge and skills appropriate to our study and examination regulations, can earn the degree through an external examination. The examination committee decides on the application for admission to the examination, on the examination process and the examination requirements due to the study and examination regulations.
The individual exam dates and location shall be displayed after approval by the examination committee.

Registration technical
Equipment for examinations

Registration technicalEquipment for examinations


Please inform us as soon as possible of your requirements for audio technology (with and without sound engineer/specialist staff) for upcoming examinations, stating:

  • date
  • time/time slot
  • location
  • cast

Please send a mail to the sound engineer Sebastian Bonney.


For more information, see the recording studio page:



Registration for theses

for the summer semester 2024 until:

January, 10th 2024

Exam registration

November, 10th to 19th 2023


Free office hours examination office

every tuesday from
09:30 to 10:30 a.m.
without appointment
in office 105

Kontakt | contact

Dhia Ben Hamda

Referent Projekt "Diskriminierungs- und barrierefreies Studium"

Dittrichring 21

04107 Leipzig

Zimmer 2.16


Terminvereinbarungen bitte per E-Mail


+49 341 2144 838

Sprechzeiten | Hours


Please arrange an appointment via our online calendar of the respective person!


(field "Contacts" below)

compensation (NTA)

Application form NTA [115.3KB/pdf]

Kontakt | contact

Manuela Stötzer

FRen Alte Musik, Bläser, EMP, Gesang, Jazz/Pop, Kirchenmusik, Klavier/Dirigieren/Korrepetition, Streicher


hausinternes Postfach G039

+49 341 2144 621

+49 341 2144 624



Orchestermusiker, Alte Musik, EMP, Gesang, Jazz/Pop, Kirchenmusik, Klavier/Dirigieren/Korrepetition, Komposition/Tonsatz


Katharina Ruhe

Lehramt, Dramaturgie, Schauspiel, Musikwissenschaft,



hausinternes Postfach 032

+49 341 2144 627

+49 341 2144 624


Online-Kalender (Lehramt / Dramaturgie / Musikwissenschaft / Schauspiel)



Hella Reiser



hausinternes Postfach G023

 +49 341 2144 626 Grassistraße 8




Application for

Examination regulations

please see downloads for the study and examination regulations