Registration for individual and small group lessons

(the same deadlines apply to applications for a change of teacher, choice of a specialisation or choice of an instrument in the teacher training programmes). 



For the summer semester 2024

Students who are already enrolled have the opportunity to register for the

individual and small group lessons in the elective area with Ms Wolf from

november 20th, 2023 to january 31th, 2024.

Newly enrolled students will then have the opportunity to register

until 1st march 2024.

Should you wish to take the university-wide minor subject (WKV 901 or WKV 902), you must register online via HMT Campus in November!



For the winter semester 2023|24

Students already enrolled will have the opportunity to register for individual and small group elective classes with Ms. Wolf from

may 2nd, 2023 through July 31th, 2023.
Newly enrolled students will then have the opportunity to register by 29.09.2023 (one week before the start of classes).

Should you wish to take the university-wide minor subject (WKV 901 or WKV 902), you must register online via HMT Campus in March!



Registration for minor subjects

Please inform yourself in advance in your study schedules whether you can take/select minor subjects!



Enrolment in lectures | seminars

Enrolment in lectures/seminars (large groups) is possible via moodle.

As a rule, courses close at the end of the 4th week of classes at the latest, unless otherwise stated.


Moodle enrolment for the summer semester 2024

The moodle enrolment for the summer semester 2024 is expected to start on

january 16th, 2024 (10.00 a.m.) and will end for elective (compulsory) courses on february 22th, 2024 (3 weeks before classes start)! Please be sure to follow the instructions for the relevant course!

Moodle enrollment for the winter semester 2023|24

is expected to start on 13.07.2023 (10.00 a.m.) and will close for elective (compulsory) courses on 07.09.2023 (3 weeks before classes start)! Please follow the instructions for the corresponding course!


In case of technical problems, please contact:


Course catalogue and
registration via moodle

Course catalogue andregistration via moodle
Access exclusively via



The course catalogue subscription for the winter semester 2023 begins on

july 15th, 2023. A corresponding note is given for exceptions.


Please send queries to Birgit Wolf.

As the course catalogue is updated almost daily - dates or rooms change or completely new courses are added - please check the current course catalogue here on the website regularly.

Archive Course Catalogue

You can find an overview of the courses offered in previous academic years or semesters in our "Archive" (bottom right).

Elective modules
summer semester 2025

Course Catalogue Birgit Wolf

Course Catalogue

Birgit Wolf

Building Grassistraße 8

04107 Leipzig

Room 105

Internal PO box 038



Availability in December 2023
only on the following days:


december, 4th - 7th 2023

december, 11th - 14th 2023

december, 18th - 19th 2023 by appointment only!

moodle Inka Daubner-Mensching


Inka Daubner-Mensching

Grassistraße 8

room 107

internal PO box 037


+49 341 2144 620