Getting startet – how to apply for the thesis

Deadlines and forms

The modalities and writing deadlines for the final thesis are regulated in each case in your examination regulations, please inform yourself in time!


The registration of the thesis is done via a form  (see box on the right) within the following deadlines:

  • January 10th for the summer semester
  • June 10th for the winter semester
(other deadlines apply in the Department of Dramaturgy).


All teachers of the HMT can be chosen to review the thesis. At least one reviewer should come from the field of musicology or be familiar with the chosen topic on a scientific level.

External reviewers can also take over the supervision after consultation and approval.


Please submit the completed form to the examination office by the deadline. First and second reviewers must sign on the form, the approval of the dean will be obtained from the examination office.


At the beginning of the writing period, you will receive a confirmation by mail approving the topic and reviewer, as well as the submission date. The writing period starts at the beginning of each semester, i.e. on 1st March or 1st Septembre.


Please note the formalities for the final thesis!

Useful information on the preparation of written thesis at HMT in general is listed here.


A colloquium for your written thesis is usually offered every semester. This serves as a preparation and can be booked via moodle.


There is no fixed length for the final thesis, this depends on the depth of the treatment of the chosen topic. You can borrow successful theses from the library to get an impression.


For students in musical bachelor programmes Examination Regulations §22 (3) apply:

You have the possibility to write the last term paper in the subject Musicology as a bachelor thesis within the framework of a course (Musicology). Please submit the application with the topic and signatures no later than 15.04. (summer semester) or 31.10. (winter semester) of the semester in which you take the course.

In this case, the presentation given in class will be evaluated, and must still be registered as an examination.


In the bachelor's degree programmes in jazz/popular music, there are also possibilities for linking courses with the final thesis; these are marked in the respective modules of your degree program.

Handing in your thesis

Three copies of the thesis must be submitted to the examination office by the specified deadline at the latest. The confirmed topic must be adhered to

All 3 copies must be bound firmly (inseparably); a ring binding is sufficient. A stapler or a clamp binding is not permitted.
One copy will be archived, the other two copies will be made available to the reviewers for evaluation.

Please do not forget to include and also sign the Declaration of Independence before submitting the paper.

The submission of reviewer copies as a datafile must be coordinated in advance with the reviewers and the examination office.

You can hand in your work in person during the opening hours of the Examinations Office.
Outside the opening hours you can deposit the work in the house mailbox 032 Katharina Ruhe or send it by registered mail (postmark counts as date of delivery) to:

HMT Leipzig

Examination Office / Katharina Ruhe

Grassistraße 8

04107 Leipzig

Extension of the writing time & Change of Topic

 „Changes happen" – but please let us know!


Extension of the writing time


An extension of the writing time by up to 3 months is possible upon request if important and unforeseen circumstances occur.

Please send an e-mail to the Examination Office stating the reasons for the necessary extension and, if possible, also providing proof of this. The time frame of the extension must also be stated. The approval is the responsibility of the respective dean as chairperson of the examination board.


In the case of illness, a doctor's attest (by photo or scan to the examination office!) is sufficient; the writing time is extended by the number of days documented therein.


Change of Topic


During the writing process you may find yourself in a situation where you need to make slight changes to the topic or choose a completely different topic, this is possible within the first 2 months of the writing period. Make sure you discuss this with your reviewers and submit a request for the new topic to the examination office by e-mail.

A change of topic does not imply an extended period of time for writing.


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Kontakt | contact

Katharina Ruhe

Lehramt, Dramaturgie, Schauspiel, Musikwissenschaft,



hausinternes Postfach 032

+49 341 2144 627


Online-Kalender (Lehramt / Dramaturgie / Musikwissenschaft / Schauspiel)


Manuela Stötzer

FRen Alte Musik, Bläser, EMP, Gesang, Jazz/Pop, Kirchenmusik, Klavier/Dirigieren/Korrepetition, Streicher


hausinternes Postfach G039

+49 341 2144 621

+49 341 2144 624



Orchestermusiker, Alte Musik, EMP, Gesang, Jazz/Pop, Kirchenmusik, Klavier/Dirigieren/Korrepetition, Komposition/Tonsatz



Hella Reiser 



hausinternes Postfach G023

 +49 341 2144 626 Grassistraße 8



Sprechzeiten | Hours


Montag 13:30 - 15:30 Uhr

10:30 - 12:00 &

13:30 - 15:00 Uhr

Mittwoch geschlossen
Donnerstag 13:30 - 15:30 Uhr
Freitag 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr



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