
EU educational programme for the university sector

Erasmus+ EU educational programme for the university sectorErasmus Charta 2021-27
Since 2007, the HMT Leipzig has an ERASMUS University Charter (EUC) allowing it to be part of the ERASMUS+ programme for general and professional education, youth and sports. The programme started in January 2014 and replaced the programme for lifelong learning (LLP), "JUGEND IN AKTION" as well as several other international EU university programmes.
The Erasmus University Charter (EUC) is the general framework for all European co-operation activities. The charter sets the fundamental principles for participation and defines the minimum requirement a university has to respect.

The following measures are financially supported by ERASMUS+

  1. Studies abroad for students (SMS)
  2. Internships abroad for students and graduates (SMP)
  3. Teaching Staff Mobility (STA)
  4. Staff Mobility (STT)


Please have a closer look at the right side of this page. There, you will find further and detailed information about all available measures.

In general, ERASMUS+ offers three instruments, which support the mobility of students:
  • Enrolment at a university abroad becomes easier (e.g. no tuition fees),
  • ERASMUS+ offers a monthly scholarship (the costs of a stay abroad cannot be covered completely by this grant)
  • ECTS (Credit Points) earned at the university abroad are accepted in most cases.

Study abroad or internship abroad?

The ERASMUS+ programme offers two possibilities to students: Either an internship in a company / a cultural institution or study abroad at one of the partner institutions.

All students have the right to get a full-length (twelve month) grant for an internship or academic studies abroad.
If you are interested in an internship or a study abroad, an application has to be sent to the International Office of the HMT Leipzig.


Further funding measures

The HMT Leipzig provides infrastructure for welcoming students and staff with disabilities or students with children. They can receive a partial payment for additional costs in the framework of the ERASMUS+-exchange.
For additional information and consultation about the ERASMUS+ measures, visit the homepage of the "Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst".

ERASMUS Incoming students

ERASMUS Incoming students

Students from our partner institutions who are interested in studying at the HMT Leipzig for one or two semesters within the Erasmus programme should contact the International Relations Coordinator of their university.


How to apply?


Kontakt / Contact Sebastian Clever

Kontakt / Contact

Sebastian Clever

International Relations Coordinator |

ERASMUS+ Coordinator

Grassistraße 8

04107 Leipzig

Zimmer 207


0341 - 2144 501



Studentische Assistent:innen / assistants


Grassistraße 8

04107 Leipzig

Zimmer 207 

Öffnungszeiten des internationalen Büros / Erasmus

persönliche Beratungen finden nur nach vorheriger Vereinbarung statt.

Dafür nutzen Sie bitte folgenden Link:




Opening Hours of the international Office / Erasmus

personal consultations take place only by appointment.
For this, please use the following link:




Erasmus+ Information [913.3KB/pdf]