Staff Mobility (STT)

Mobility with Erasmus+

Staff Mobility (STT) Mobility with Erasmus+
In order to increase internationalization at the university, training programmes at European universities and at companies / institutions abroad are offered to staff (teaching and administration).

Are there special requirements?

A stay abroad lasts between two days and two months. The additional promotion of the arrival and departure costs is regulated in the personal financial contract.

Who can apply for ERASMUS+ (STT)?

With STT staff of every field can apply for grant. Examples:
  • General & technical administration
  • Library
  • special fields
  • faculties
  • finances
  • etc.

What kind of support will I get?

The programme offers grant as following:
  • reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses according to the "Sächsisches Reisekostengesetz" (saxonian law for travel costs) 
  • reimbursement of accommodation expenses
  • special grants for disabled people

How do I apply for ERASMUS+ (STT)?


Please hand in the following documents in order to apply for an Erasmus+ grant:

  • Mobility Agreement STT
  • Detailed programme or project description of the training
  • approved business trip application (the university needs to issue a so called A1-form that staff  members have to carry along on their mobility, therefore applying at least 2 months prior to the planned mobility is advised)
For further information on mobility and opportunities regarding your application, please contact the Erasmus+ coordinator.
Kontakt / Contact Sebastian Clever

Kontakt / Contact

Sebastian Clever

International Relations Coordinator |

ERASMUS+ Coordinator

Grassistraße 8

04107 Leipzig

Zimmer 207


0341 - 2144 501



Studentische Assistent:innen / assistants


Grassistraße 8

04107 Leipzig

Zimmer 207 

Öffnungszeiten des internationalen Büros / Erasmus

persönliche Beratungen finden nur nach vorheriger Vereinbarung statt.

Dafür nutzen Sie bitte folgenden Link:




Opening Hours of the international Office / Erasmus

personal consultations take place only by appointment.
For this, please use the following link:



Here you can find all relevant information about staff mobility.