Teaching staff mobility (STA)

Mobility with Erasmus+

Teaching staff mobility (STA) Mobility with Erasmus+
The aim of this programme is to offer teaching staff the possibility to realize a professional and personal training, to foster the exchange of professional knowledge and to get to know new pedagogical methods. Not least, the cooperation between ERASMUS+ partner institutions shall be extended and projects initiated.

Are there special requirements?

The guest teachers shall strengthen the European dimension through their stay at the host university, complement the range of courses and impart their professional knowledge to those students, who cannot or do not want to study abroad.
In this context the development of common study programmes of both university as well as the exchange of teaching content and methods shall be included.
Stays for teaching staff within Europe last between two days and two month, at least eight hours are taught within a week or a shorter stay. The additional promotion of the arrival and departure costs is regulated in the personal financial contract.

Who can apply for ERASMUS+ (STA)?

The following group of persons can apply for a grant:
  • lecturers without endowment
  • assistant lecturers with service contracts
  • retired professors and teachers
  • scientific assistants
  • staff (incoming)

What kind of support will I get?

The programme offers the following benefits:
  • reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses according to Sächsisches Reisekostengesetz
  • reimbursement of accommoation expenses
  • special grants for disabled people
  • "Profits" from the subsidy would have to be taxed by the subsidised.

How do I apply for ERASMUS+?

Please hand in the following documents to apply for an Erasmus grant:
  • Mobility Agreement STA
  • Invitation of the partner institution
  • approved business trip application (the university needs to issue a so called A1-form that staff  members have to carry along on their mobility, therefore applying at least 2 months prior to the planned mobility is advised)
For any more information on mobility and opportunities regarding your application, please contact the Erasmus-coordinator.
Kontakt / Contact Sebastian Clever

Kontakt / Contact

Sebastian Clever

International Relations Coordinator |

ERASMUS+ Coordinator

Grassistraße 8

04107 Leipzig

Zimmer 207


0341 - 2144 501




Studentische Assistent:innen / assistants


Grassistraße 8

04107 Leipzig

Zimmer 207



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Opening Hours of the international Office / Erasmus

personal consultations take place only by appointment.
For this, please use the following link:






Here you can find all relevant information about teaching staff mobility.