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Early Music
Brass + Woodwinds Drums and Perc.
Jazz/Popular music
Church music
Voice/Music theater
Composition, Harmony + Counterpoint
Music pedagogy
Institute for Drama "Hans Otto"
Profile Lehrende Studierende des Instituts + Bewerbung Studiengang Studiendokumente Absolvent*innenvorsprechen Absolvent*innen + Sommertheater + Studioinszenierungen + Auszeichnungen und Preise + Studium Pinnwand + Exkursionen + Publikationen + Forschung + Hans Otto Verein

Welcome to the Department of Early Music

The department was founded in 1992 and now has 17 principal study classes with over 50 students from many different countries. We have 11 teaching/practice rooms in a recently renovated building in the centre of Leipzig, about 100 metres from the St.Thomas Church. There we have numerous instruments (harpsichords, early pianos, organ, clavichords, lutes and consorts of string instruments, renaissance recorders, traversi and dulcians). The school has an excellent central library and the department has its own collection of facsimile editions.


We offer a broad early music education; we actively encourage chamber music and organise regular large-scale projects in which we aim to include as many students as possible. Our department also works together with the Bach Archiv/Bach Museum and the Instrument Museum of the University of Leipzig.

We offer the following courses of study:


Bachelor of Music 4 years 8 semesters
Master of Music (verbreiternd) 2 years 4 semesters
Master of Music (vertiefend) 1 year 2 semesters
Meisterklassestudium 2 years 4 semesters


For more information, click HERE


Age limits: Unlike many other departments in the Hochschule, the Department of Early Music has no age limits for any of the courses.


Language requirements: Although our teachers and students come from many countries, classes are taught in German and for all studies, good working German is essential, because of the demands of the classes.


Foreign Applicants for the bachelor degree programmes and most of the artistic master courses require a knowledge of German on level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) by a recognized language test. 

Equivalent certificates:
• Goethe-Zertifikat B1 or
• TestDaF Level 2 or
• Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH-1).

Every term, the HMT Leipzig offers special language courses of German language for beginners and advanced students.


Please note: If, at the time of the entrance examination, the examiners find that an applicant cannot speak sufficient German, they are not permitted to admit that person to these courses.


Teaching staff

Principal Study


Historical Singing Gundula Anders, Florian Sievers

Prof. Robert Ehrlich

Traverso Anne Freitag
Baroque Oboe Michael Bosch

Baroque Bassoon/


Györgyi Farkas
Cornetto Arno Paduch
Natural Horn Stephan Katte
Natural Trumpet Julian Zimmermann
Sackbutt Sebastian Krause
Baroque Violin/Viola

Irmgard Huntgeburth

Baroque Cello Prof. Jan Freiheit
Viola da gamba Irene Klein

Violone/17th century

string bass

Jörg Meder


Simon Linné

Chamber music

Prof. Stephan Rath (Head of Department)

Harpsichord and


Prof. Alexander von Heißen,

Prof. Tobias Schade,

Michaela Hasselt, Nick HenselEckhart Kuper

Zita Mikijanska,  Arve Stavran

Mechthild Winter,


Eckhart Kuper

Prof. Alexander von Heißen



Early Music Classes
Historical Instrument Studies Dr. Veit Heller (from the Instrument Museum, Leipzig)
Tuning and Acoustics Dr. Veit Heller (from the Instrument Museum, Leipzig)
Historical Dance Mareike Greb
Historical Gesture Niels Badenhop
Historical Improvisation Martin Erhardt
Historical Source Studies Dr. Martin Küster
Historical Notation Studies Claudia Nauheim
Harpsichord tuning and maintenance Prof. Tobias Schade
Basso continuo Sources Prof. Alexander von Heißen



Prof. Stephan Rath

Dittrichring 21

04109 Leipzig

Hauspostfach D 010


Study commencing in October

Entrance exams: First week of June


  • For all Bachelor, Masters, Meisterklasse courses
  • for all main studies 




We regularly welcome Erasmus students from all over Europe to our department for either one or two semesters of study. For enquiries please contact the teacher directly, with whom you would like to work or the Erasmus coordinator Ms. Birgit Reichelt.